Trading Analysis
WSG is currently $0.000000 (10.53%) above its 30-day low of $0.000000041 and -$4.905504 (-100.00%) below its 30-day high of $4.90550423. Additionally, WSG is under its average price of $0.000000053 over the past month of trading with its current price of $0.000000045. Overall, the recent trading history of Wall Street Games suggest that traders are currently neutral on the token.
WSG has a relatively average market cap for a token with a total market value of $14,161,525.48. The market valuation for Wall Street Games is relatively average due to the largest 100 cryptos having a market cap above $1 billion and WSG sits underneath that mark but remains above $100 million in market capilization. Wall Street Games’s average volume meanwhile is average with $20,870,487.27 worth of the token traded over a typical 24 hour period. The volume for WSG is relatively average as the most traded 100 cryptos have roughly $100 million worth of the crypto exchanged over a 24 hour period and a large portion of the market trades at least $5 million worth each day. As of the past 24 hours, WSG’s volume is below its average with $2,863,500.21 exchanged.
Wall Street Games’s price movement over the past month has led to a an average short-term technical score due to recent trading giving more neutral signals for traders on the token’s short-term movement.
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